
The story of how the adventist youth ministry was began by two adolescents, Lutero Warren and Harry Fenner in the town of Hazelton, Michigan in 1879, is familiar to many of us. Concerned by the spiritual needs of their friends, within and outside the church, these two young men prayed together and then started what was the first Adventist Yuth Socienty – a small group of young men (later on girls joined them) who gathered together every week to sing, pray, stuy the Bible, to go out to do missionary work, and enjoy a healthy recreation.

Missionary Volunteers

At the local level, other societies led by young people, were organized, and in the first decade of the 20th century, the church as such, encouraged by Ellen G. White and others that sensed the importance of the work for the youth, began to put in place a youth program. The first Adventist youth organization was established in 1907 under the name of “Young People’s Missionary Volunteer Society”. The name was chosen to clearly indicate the emphasis and reach in the service as an integral part of our youth ministry.

Adventist Youth Ministry

Although the name was changed to “Adventist Youth” in 1979, during the 100 years that have elapsed since then, the emphasis of the Adventist youth movement is still one of salvation and service. Today, the Adventist Youth Ministry is a worldwide movement, focused on winning young people for Jesus and to train them to share His message of love with others.

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